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역사적 관점에서 본 버지니아텍 총기난사 사건

이번 버지니아텍의 사건을 역사적 관점에서 살펴본 위키피디아 글이 있어서 간략하게 번역했습니다.

미국만 두고 볼때, 이번 사건은 1966년 8월 텍사스 주립대학교 오스틴에서 발생했던 16명의 사상자를 냈던 사건보다 많은 사상자를 냈습니다. 단일 사건의 사망자수로 45명의 생명을 빼앗아간 1927년의 폭파사고가 있었습니다. 또, 단일범으로 32명의 희생자를 낸 이번 사건은 1991년에 있었는 루비의 24명 기록을 능가했습니다.

전 세계적으로 보았을때, 대한민국의 사건이 가장 많은 희생자를 냈더군요. 1982년에 있었던 우범곤 경찰의 57명의 희생자가 있었답니다. 자세한 내용은 아래 위키피디아를 참조하시길 바랍니다.

Historical context

The incident is the deadliest shooting on a college campus, exceeding the sixteen deaths[123] of the University of Texas shooting by Charles Whitman. It is the second deadliest school-related killing in U.S. history, behind the 1927 Bath School disaster[123] which claimed forty-five lives, including thirty-eight school children, through the use of explosives.

With a death toll of thirty-two victims plus the killer,[123] this is the deadliest single-perpetrator civilian shooting in United States history, surpassing the Luby's massacre of 1991, in which twenty-four people were killed.[123] Internationally, it is surpassed by the 1982 massacre of fifty-seven South Koreans by off-duty police officer Woo Bum-Kon and the 1996 Port Arthur massacre in the Australian state of Tasmania where thirty-five people were killed by gunman Martin Bryant.

The shooting has been likened to the Columbine High School massacre,[124] the April 20school massacre in which two senior students killed twelve students, one teacher, and wounded twenty-four others before turning the guns on themselves.

There are massacres with higher death tolls in the history of the United States, but they involved militia or military groups rather than a single civilian perpetrator, include the Wounded Knee Massacre, the Mountain Meadows massacre, and the Fort Pillow Massacre, all of which were perpetrated by armed groups in times of war or insurrection.

[출처: 위키피디아]