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Instaling Opera on a Palm T|X

Getting OPERA mini takes a bit of effort to run on a Palm T|X but, overall isn’t that difficult. First thing is to make sure you have 3-4mb free on the device memory. Next, go to http://www.palm.com/us/support/jvm/ and download IBM's WebSphere Everyplace Micro Environment to run Java 2 Micro Edition™. If the site does not let you download tell it you have a Palm T5, you will get the exact same program needed for the Palm T|X. After downloading on a Windows PC, unzip the .zip file and open Palm Quick Installer. From the folder \JVM\ARM4T within the unzipped zip file and copy to Palm Quick Installer under Handheld:

[출처: http://my.opera.com/community/forums/topic.dml?id=175946]

Guide: Installing Opera Mini
Updated: 2/23/2007

Currently for Opera Mini 3.0 & 3.1

3.0.6636 (20070108)
3.1.7196 (20070222) (Users of this version need not worry about Wi-Fi precautions)

Note: I reccomend everyone who uses 3.0 to update to 3.1, it's stable so go right ahead. I'll keep 3.0 info (on this post) for 3 weeks from 2/24/06 before fully re-editing.

[출처: http://forum.brighthand.com/showthread.php?t=237551]