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Oats (귀리)

Soluble fiber appears to be the reason for oats’ cholesterol-lowering effect and their role in heart health. Soluble fiber also slows the digestion of starches.

Blueberries (블루베리)

Research is looking at how the nutrients in these small blue orbs may help improve circulation, help your body fight infections, prevent colon cancer, and lower the risk of memory loss.

Flaxseeds (아마씨)

These tiny seeds are being studied to see how they may help with cancer prevention, heart health, and blood glucose control.

Bell peppers (피망)

Red and orange bell peppers have nutrients that appear to assist in reducing high levels of homocysteine, which has been shown to damage blood vessels and is associated with an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

Spinach (시금치)

Spinach is a highly nutritious food. Its nutrients may help protect against osteoporosis, heart disease, colon cancer, arthritis, macular degeneration (vision loss), and mental decline due to aging.

Tofu (두부)

Soy protein, such as tofu, may help heart health when it is eaten in place of foods higher in saturated fat. Research is looking at how soy may improve insulin sensitivity, ease menopausal symptoms, and maintain bone health.

Salmon (연어)

A well-known source of omega-3 fatty acids, salmon is prized for its nutrient value. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to benefit heart health. This flaky pink fish is also a good source of selenium, protein, niacin, and vitamin B12.

Legumes (레귐 - 콩류)

Fiber champions, legumes—including lentils, black beans, and kidney beans—may help lower cholesterol when eaten regularly. Legumes also contain folic acid, iron, potassium, and saponins, a type of phytochemical that may play a role in cancer prevention.

Walnuts (호두)

Walnuts are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are believed to provide cardiovascular protection. Including nuts regularly in your diet may help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, reduce insulin resistance, and lower inflammation.

Yogurt (요구르트)

Yogurt is a rich source of calcium, which is needed to maintain healthy bones. Many types of yogurt also contain probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that can help gut health.