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USB 메모리를 부팅가능하게 만들어 주는 방법

혹시나 나중에 필요할 것 같아서 제 블로그에 갈무리 해둡니다. 윈도우즈와 리눅스에 해당되는 방법들입니다. 윈도우즈에서 사용할 수 있는 MBRTool은 아래에서도 다운 받을 수 있습니다.


MBR Tool 입니다.

사용자 삽입 이미지

  • For Windows 2000/XP there are a couple of tools you can use.

    • The easiest is the MBRTool, that the Memorykey Tools site used to provide. I still keep a copy around of it here. The tool formats your key in harddisk mode and installs a FreeDOS kernel on there (with FAT32 support). Downside of this tool is, that it seems to have trouble with USB keys at the size of 256MB or bigger.
    • Another solution is the HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool. This tool seems to work with bigger storage keys, but needs a floppy or the files from a floppy in a directory to copy on the usbkey, to make it bootable.

  • On Linux you just need to load the usb-storage module.

    • To format the drive in superfloppy format, you simply do:
            mkdosfs -I /dev/sda
    • Formatting in harddisk requires more steps, if it's not allready formatted that way:
            dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1
      to erase the start of the USB Key. After that you can do a "fdisk /dev/sda" and create a new FAT partition (FAT16 is suitable). To install a MBR and format the key afterwards, do
            install-mbr /dev/sda --force
      mkdosfs -I /dev/sda1
    • Now the USB key is ready to be loaded with systemfiles. If you use FreeDOS, MS-DOS, IBM-DOS or DR-/Novell-DOS is up to you.

Since install-mbr is Debian specific, you might do this on other systems:
      dd if=/dev/hda of=mbr bs=512 count=1
dd if=mbr of=/dev/sda
Repartition your USBkey using fdisk to clean up the partition table using fdisk and format your partition afterwards with
      mkdosfs -I /dev/sda1
/dev/hda would in this case be your harddisk, /dev/sda would be your usb key.

[내용출처: http://www.marlow.dk/site.php/tech/usbkeys]

아래 방법으로 했더니 되더군요!!!