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맥북프로 밧데리 최적화 방법

애플 홈페이지에서 보고 가져왔습니다. 내용이 비교적 쉬워서 간단하게만 번역합니다.

1. 전원 어댑터를 이용해서 어댑터 연결부의 LED가 녹색이 될때까지 충전한다.
2. 전원 어댑터 연결 상태에서 최소한 2시간 정도는 완전히 충전된 상태를 유지한다.
3. 전원 어댑터를 빼고, 밧데리를 이용해서 컴퓨터를 사용한다.
4. 컴퓨터가 "잠자기"모드에 도달할때까지 사용한다.
5. 컴퓨터를 끈다 또는 잠자기 모드에 최소한 5시간 둔다.
6. 전원 어댑터로 완충한다.

PowerBook G4 (15-inch Double-Layer SD), MacBook (all models), MacBook Pro (all models), and MacBook Pro (17-inch) (all models)

The battery calibration for the PowerBook G4 (15-inch Double-Layer SD) and any model of MacBook or MacBook Pro has been updated because of a new battery released with this computer. With these computers, follow these steps to calibrate your battery:

  1. Plug in the power adapter and fully charge your PowerBook's battery until the light ring or LED on the power adapter plug changes to green and the onscreen meter in the menu bar indicates that the battery is fully charged.
  2. Allow the battery to rest in the fully charged state for at least two hours. You may use your computer during this time as long as the adapter is plugged in.
  3. Disconnect the power adapter with the computer still on and start running the computer off battery power. You may use your computer during this time. When your battery gets low, you will see the low battery warning dialog on the screen.
  4. Continue to keep your computer on until it goes to sleep. Save all your work and close all applications when the battery gets very low, before the computer goes to sleep.
  5. Turn off the computer or allow it to sleep for five hours or more.
  6. Connect the power adapter and leave it connected until the battery is fully charged again.

Tip: When the battery reaches "empty", the computer is forced into sleep mode. The battery actually keeps back a reserve beyond "empty", to maintain the computer in sleep for a period of time. Once the battery is truly exhausted, the computer is forced to shut down. At this point, with the safe sleep function introduced in the PowerBook G4 (15-inch Double-Layer SD) computers, the computer's memory contents have been saved to the hard drive. When power is restored, the computer returns itself to its pre-sleep state using the safe sleep image on the hard drive.

[출처: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=86284]