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구글 애드센스의 구글패키지 - 새로운 프로그램들이 추가되었네요.

금방 이메일 확인했더니 구글 애드센스에서 구글팩에 업데이트에 내용을 보냈더군요. 기존의 서비스에다가 시맨텍의 노턴시큐러티스캔과 피시툴즈의 스파이웨어닥터가 추가되었다는 군요. 따라서 노턴앤티바이러스 2005와 애드-어웨어는 구글패키지에 제외될거라는 군요. 혹시 구글패키지에 관심이 있으신 분은 여기를 클릭하세요.

결국 애드센스 광고를 추가로 수정해서 자신들의 광고수익을 최대화하겠다는 뜻인것 같더군요. 참고로 이메일 전문을 공개합니다.

Google AdSense™

AdSense Referrals - Google Pack Update

Dear Publisher,

We wanted to let you know about some exciting updates to the Google Pack that will affect how you promote Pack referrals.

We've added two new applications to make your PC even safer: Symantec's Norton Security Scan, which detects and removes viruses, and PC Tools' Spyware Doctor Starter Edition, a top-rated anti-spyware utility. Both are free and include automatic protection updates with no paid subscription required.

Note that Norton AntiVirus 2005 SE and Ad-Aware SE Personal are no longer available in the Google Pack and should not be promoted as part of the service.

Google Pack Screensaver has undergone a significant update and is now called Google Photos Screensaver. Now you can turn your computer into a digital picture frame that displays pictures from photo feeds—continuously updated streams of photos from the web.

Please update your content and advertising to reflect these changes as soon as possible to ensure that your users don't get confused when they reach the Pack website.

Thanks for your continued support of Google Pack referrals!


The Google AdSense Team