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넷북에서 1024x768 또는 1152x864 고해상도

넷북의 해상도가 보통 1024x600 이라 윈도우즈 8이 설치는 되지만 아래 스샷에서 보시는 것 처럼 RT 프로그램이 전혀 실행이 안됩니다. 혹시라고 해상도를 바꾸어서 고해상도로 실행하고 싶다면 아래 따라서 하시면 됩니다. 

아수스 1018p 버전에서 사용하고 있는 GMA 3150 버전기준입니다. 

한글로 3줄 요약하면...

1. Windows+R & Regedit 실행합니다. 

2. "Display1_DownScalingSupported" 찾아서 값을 "1" 로 바꾸어준다. 

3. 새로 부팅한다음에 원하는 해상도 선택한다. 

You can follow the instructions below for downscaling intel GMA 3150...


Many netbooks come with a default 1024x600 pixels (or similar) small screen resolution, which can cause problems in some apps or a lot of awkward scrolling. If you want to increase the amount of screen real estate you have on your netbook or be able to use apps that require higher-resolution displays (such as the Metro-style apps in the Windows 8 Developer Preview), you might be able to change a registry setting called "Display1_DownScalingSupported" in Windows to get options for higher resolutions. Here's how to search for the setting and change it:

Go to the Start menu and type in regedit in the search box, then hit Enter.

Scroll up on the left pane to make sure you are at the very top of the tree.

At the top menu, go to Edit then Find... and search for "Display1_DownScalingSupported"

Change each instance you find (you'll likely find 2 results for this) from "0" to "1". Make sure you change every found instance, because otherwise the hack won't work (in my experience).

Once done, restart the system.

When your system has restarted, when you right-click on your desktop and choose to change your screen resolution, you should now see options for 1024x768 as well as 1152x864 resolutions for your netbook, in addition to your previous resolutions.

For your reference, the specific registry has been found, on the Lenovo S10-3T at both




Keep in mind that while this registry hack has been shown to work with a number of netbooks from different manufacturers, it might not work with all netbooks, and modifying your registry is always something you do at your own risk. It's always a good idea to backup your registry before making any changes by going to the file menu and exporting it.

(Note: Changing your default screen resolution on your netbook will most likely make it look a bit stretched out. You can try going into the advanced display properties for the Intel Graphics Media Accelerator, assuming you have an Intel GMA, where you have an option to set the aspect ratio to "maintain aspect ratio," but this has never seemed to work or apply for me; still, worth a try.)

[출처: http://communities.intel.com/thread/33139?wapkw=gma+3150+driver]