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파이어폭스 첨부기능으로 지메일 1000% 활용하기

지메일 사용자들이 많이 늘었지요 - 예전에는 초대를 통해서만 가입이 가능했었지만, 요즘은 그냥 바로 가입할 수 있답니다. 아래 내용들은 http://www.makeuseof.com에 게재된 내용을 가져와서 한글 설명을 달았습니다.

Gspace - multi-platform firefox addon that turns your gmail account into powerful online storage tool - 지메일을웹하드로 사용할수 있게해 줍니다.

Gmail Search Extension - search your gmail account directly from the firefox search bar - 파이어폭스에서 지메일 서치해 줍니다.

GcalQuickTab - toggle between gmail and google calendar with keyboard shortcuts - 키보드단축키로 지메일과 구글달력을 오갈수 있게 해줍니다.

GTDInbox - turns your account into flexible and feature-loaded ToDo-management service (GTD = Getting Things Done) - 효과적인 할일 관리기능입니다.

GMail Manager - manage multiple GMail accounts right from your browser - 여러개의 지메일계정 관리를 도와줍니다.

DragDropUpload - this handy extension lets you quickly attach one or more files to your emails by dragging them over the “Attach a file” link - 지메일 첨부파일을 마우스로 잡아서이동할 수 있게 해줍니다.

Google Toolbar with Gmail search - Official Google toolbar featuring one-click Gmail search - 지메일 검색을 해주는 공식 구글툴바입니다.

E-Mail Notifier Toolbar | Gmail Notifier - as titles say ‘…notifier‘ - 지메일 도착을 알려줍니다.

GREASEMONKEY SCRIPTS (What is Greaseamonkey?)

Gmail Super Clean - clean and distraction-free gmail. Looks great, check it out here

Gmail Spam-count Hide - hides spam count link

GMail Attachment Icons - adds attachment icons to emails, letting you see what kind of attachment an email has (HTML,JPG, PDF….) [update: ‘Attachment icons’ isn’t a standard greasemonkey script, it’s an addon for a similar Firefox extension known as Stylish. However, installing it on greasemonkey should be fine as well]
Google Reader Integration - integrates Google Reader into Gmail. Highly Recommended (demo)

GmailTo - forces all ‘mailto’ links to open in GMail

Saved Searches - lets you create ’saved searches’(aka smart folders) and display them in the separate box in the navigation menu. Clicking on a search executes the saved query. Demo

Conversation Preview - handy addon that lets you quickly preview message contents right from the main inbox window. See demo below

Google Calendar Integration - integrates Google Calendar agenda into Gmail. Demo

Label Colors - lets you color menu labels to make them stand out better. Demo

Gmail Macros - adds extra keyboard shortcuts to Gmail (i.e. “t” for move to trash, “r” for mark as read, “p'’ for mark as read and add to archive…etc). Read more

[update] SSLGoogle - force google mail, docs and cal pages and their intra-links to a secure connection(HTTPS)

Following image displays all above mentioned scripts in action(click to enlarge and open it in a new windows)
gmail greasemonkey scripts

Desktop APPS and Web TOOLS:

GmailDrive - adds a new virtual drive(’Gmail Drive’) to My Computer folder and uses gmail as its storage medium. Drag’n drop files Gmail Drive and it will store them on your gmail account as if on additional hard drive. More on GmailDrive

Gmail ToDo - handy desktop application that stores entered todo’s in a todo label on gmail

Desktop Notifiers: GMail Notifier(official release from Google), GTray (Win XP), GCount (Mac), Gmail+Growl 2.0 (GmailNotifier addon that lets you further customize ‘new mail’ alerts)

GMail for Mobile - access gmail from your mobile

GmailFS - mountable Linux filesystem which uses Gmail as its storage medium

Google Talk - Google’s IM service which is fully integrable with GMail

You’ve Got Gmail - Gmail plugin for Trillian IM client

Update: more notifiers: KCheckGmail(Linux), Notifier2(Win)


Unbl0ck - use this tool to access gmail from places where it’s blocked (work, school…)

Gmail icon generator - creates an image of your email address to minimize spam exposure

Gmail To Thunderbird - how to access your Gmail using Mozilla Thunderbird

Shortcut List - handy, printable list of keyboard shortcuts for the Gmail

Hotmail Contacts Import - explains how to import contacts from Hotmail to Gmail

Gmail trick that explains how to find that ’someone’ who gives away your email address to spammers

Attach any file type - bunch of tricks showing you how to attach and send blocked file types, i.e. ‘*.exe’

JimsTips - huge collection of basic gmail tips

[출처: MakeUseof.com]