넥서스 7, 누크 HD, 누크 태블릿, 킨들 HD, 캘럭시 탭 7.7 간단 비교
정말 초 간단으로 설명해둔 넥서스 7, 누크 HD, 누크 태블릿, 킨들 HD 그리고 갤럭시 탭 7.7 입니다. 비교적 쉬운 영어로 적혀 있어서 간단하게 비교가 될겁니다.
전 넥서스 7이랑 킨들 그리고 누크 태블릿 사용중인데...누크를 제일 많이 사용하게 되네요!!
Nexus 7 = easier to use, streamlined interface, all the sensors, Standard for screen, no micro sd, front camera only
Nook HD = smallest app store (if unmodded), Amazing Screen (higher Res AND better colors than Nexus 7) micro sd slot, CM 10.1 on SD card that doesn't affect normal OS (if you resell noone will ever know), some missing sensors (only has blue tooth and accelerometer I believe), no camera, lightest tablet in this size
Nook Tablet - Same as Nook HD but lower res screen than nexus 7, less sensors, also has CM 10.1, Micro SD, cheapest option, no camera
Kindle HD = No micro sd, app store not as good as google play (pre-rooted), can only be rooted not fully custom rom'ed, part of an evil empire that will jack up prices after it takes over ebook market, front camera only
Galaxy Tab 7.7 = Micro SD, Google Play available, lots of rom support, front and rear camera, all the sensors